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Bitcoin passed $7100

Bitcoin passed 00

Bitcoin passed $7100 ..

“According to all appearances the fall of the [dollar] did not have its origin in the [Bitcoin] exchange, from which it may be concluded that in [America] there was active speculation directed towards the continual rise of the [Bitcoin].

We are witnessing a rapid increase in the number of those who speculate on the fall of the [dollar] and who are acquiring vested interests in a continual depreciation.

The enormous speculation on the rise of the [Bitcoin] is an open secret. People who, having regard to their age, their inexperience, and their lack of responsibility, do not deserve support, have nevertheless secured the help of financiers, who are thinking exclusively of their own immediate interests.

Those who have studied seriously the conditions of the money market state that the movement against the [American dollar] remained on the whole independent of foreign markets for more than six months. It is the [American] bears, helped by the inaction of the [Federal Reserve Bank], who have forced the collapse in the exchange.”

– The Wall Street Journal, circa 2027 – 2037


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That face when you, in anticipation, watch the chart…

That face when you, in anticipation, watch the chart...

That face when you, in anticipation, watch the chart break 7000.


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Blue Shield PPO with a $4800 deductible is now…

Blue Shield PPO with a 00 deductible is now...

Blue Shield PPO with a $4800 deductible is now up to $192.64 a month for a 2 year old.

Kids this young are at low risk for cancer, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, pregnancy, medication, and the rest of the “high cost” ailments; they are more at risk for broken bones or low risk surgeries like appendicitis, which come with much lower price tags and should fetch a much lower premium.

Of course, somebody has to subsidize fat lazy adults who are allergic to treadmills, can’t be bothered to put down that hamburger, prefer to pop pills over changing their lifestyle, didn’t bother to save their income over the years when they engaged in mindless consumerism, decided to have kids they couldn’t afford, and were dumb enough to attach their healthcare to their employer, creating for themselves a preexisting condition when they were inevitably fired.

Might as well extort a 2 year old.


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“They’ll go through court for years .. We need…

"They'll go through court for years .. We need...

“They’ll go through court for years .. We need quick justice, and we need strong justice.”

Trump and Mueller should get a room together. It appears neither one of them is familiar with due process.


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At some point, you know, it’s time for new…

At some point, you know, it's time for new...

At some point, you know, it’s time for new shoes.


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Oh please let this work. If it does, I…

Oh please let this work. If it does, I am building an ultrasonic wall in my backyard.


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Bitcoin passed $6500

Bitcoin passed 00

Bitcoin passed $6500 ..

A serious post for a change.

I started buying Bitcoin in early 2014. I don’t consider myself a trader or a speculator like most Bitcoin participants, but an investor. I’m not in Bitcoin to make money. I’m in Bitcoin to buy up the glut, i.e. the excess supply, and to provide market stability for a world view that I want to encourage.

I see extreme long term multi-decade potential, so I buy and hold. I never sell.

Bitcoin had made a high of $1,000 in late 2013 when its last bubble popped and it began its long multi-year decline down to $200 in 2015. During this time everyone had written it off.

In a sense I did as well, but it wasn’t an idea I wanted to die.

So I did what any irresponsible romantic would have done and threw money that I didn’t care for, and had written off in my head, at it.

I first started buying Bitcoin each month at around the $600 price point. I kept buying Bitcoin each month for another two years all the way down to $200. I still buy Bitcoin each month even though I’m not happy with the price I’m paying and would gladly pay less.

In hindsight, I should have had more faith and bought more with greater conviction.

But the idea continues to live, grow, and thrive, and that’s all that matters to me.

Bitcoin is freedom and freedom is the future.


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Reminds me of Pet Shop Boys

Reminds me of Pet Shop Boys

Reminds me of Pet Shop Boys ..

Syrian – Dreaming


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Still trying to wrap up Bitcoin transaction management in…

Still trying to wrap up Bitcoin transaction management in...

Still trying to wrap up Bitcoin transaction management in


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As a colored person, I refuse to engage in…

As a colored person, I refuse to engage in this insensitive display of cultural appropriation, nor will I reward it with candy.
