That state of mind that leaves behind a muddling cloud of doubts.
Month: June 2013
Air Conditioning + Ceiling Fan = Win!
Apparently it’s a hot day today. Thanks to my new AC I know nothing about that.
Even then, when I look and see how you remind me of me when I was still not ready to be more than I was aspiring to be ..

An average day for Ocelot .. 84% resting, 16% active (if searching for food can be considered active) …

“We don’t negotiate with terrorists” … 12 years and 635 billion dollars later … was it worth it?
Taliban and US to meet for peace talks
Thee United States will talks for the first time with the Taliban leaders they ousted from power 12 years ago.The first meeting could take place as early as …
What makes me furious? When someone unqualified to make suggestions … makes suggestions …

Now that the new Tesla Model S has a full screen flat screen in the dash .. Proof that I did it first back in 2009 …

Germans accuse U.S. of Stasi tactics before Obama visit
BERLIN (Reuters) – German outrage over a U.S. Internet spying program has broken out ahead of a visit by Barack Obama, with ministers demanding the president provide a full explanation when he lands in

It’s about time .. it only took them 10+ years …
ACLU sues Obama administration over NSA surveillance
The American Civil Liberties Union announced Tuesday that it has filed a federal lawsuit against key members of President Obama ’s national security team over the National Security Agency ’s telephone surveillance, the first legal challenge to the newly disclosed intelligence gathering s…,0,4567996.story