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LOL, back in 2010, I had a Windows tablet…

LOL, back in 2010, I had a Windows tablet...

LOL, back in 2010, I had a Windows tablet with a real stylus and all … it was fun to draw with …

I really don’t know though why the guy is standing on a tree, and why there is a duck on his head …


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Do you remember this?

Do you remember this?

Do you remember this?

9 Years Ago

Look what I accidentally ran into on the internet .. My first “video game” ..


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Sharing is caring

Sharing is caring

Sharing is caring …

Sharing is caring

# hands of mamas boy # well I don’t care


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War in Ukraine

War in Ukraine

War in Ukraine

War in Ukraine (English subtitles)


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Guest Post: The Nazification Of America Is Almost Complete…

Guest Post: The Nazification Of America Is Almost Complete | Zero Hedge

“The United States is in decline. While not all major shocks to the system will be devastating, when the right one comes along, the outcome may be dramatic.” Once upon a time America fought a great war to rid the world of the Nazis, but now we have become just like them.


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The older I get the more aware I become…

The older I get the more aware I become...

The older I get the more aware I become of the knowledge that we share the world with barbarians who want to steal your money to play real life video games.

The scale of death and destruction caused by governments far surpasses any alleged benefit they claim to provide.

Whether you want the government to export freedom through force, or you want the government to export welfare through force, you, who supports taxation through force, are the barbarian.

On the bright side though, I love Crystal Method; so that was nice.



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And we’re about to come full circle … It’s…

And we're about to come full circle ... It's...

And we’re about to come full circle … It’s funny

Russia’s Mid-East Takeover Continues As Afghanistan Requests Military Assistance From Moscow |…

With the US on its heels in the Mid-East in the face of an aggressive Russian air campaign and a resurgent Iran, regional governments are beginning to reassess their loyalties. First it was Iraqi PM Haider al-Abadi proclaiming that his country would welcome Russian airstrikes against ISIS, then it w…


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School … Turning children into obedient robots one child…

School ... Turning children into obedient robots one child...

School … Turning children into obedient robots one child at a time with no child left behind …

Video: Police Officer Grabs High School Student

A police officer at Spring Valley High School in South Carolina appears to flip a student out of her chair and drag her across a classroom floor.


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Eren is so excited; must eat hands

Eren is so excited; must eat hands

Eren is so excited; must eat hands


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“The pursuit of happiness is a most ridiculous phrase…

“The pursuit of happiness is a most ridiculous phrase; if you pursue happiness you’ll never find it.”
― C.P. Snow
