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The democratic party is the party of sharecropping; they…

The democratic party is the party of sharecropping; they would prefer slavery, but since the republicans made that illegal, instead, they’ll “let” you have a job in exchange for a percentage of your income.


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This is my alarm clock .. I know it…

This is my alarm clock .. I know it...

This is my alarm clock .. I know it looks like a bomb, but I swear it’s not a bomb ..


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Muahahaha [ evil laugh ], my IQ of 132…

Muahahaha [ evil laugh ], my IQ of 132...

Muahahaha [ evil laugh ], my IQ of 132 puts me in the top 2%. I’m statistically more intelligent than the remaining 98% of human dummies referring to themselves to as beings.

I realize the bottom 98% in this country are suffering from a lack of intelligence [ and certainly their life would be better off with a slightly higher amount of intelligence ], but please don’t redistribute my intelligence to them. I worked hard for my 2% [ and I don’t really enjoy lobotomies ].

[ it would have been higher but there were a couple basic ones i missed — i was impatient oh well ]


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9/11 In Perspective

9/11 In Perspective

9/11 In Perspective

None of these buildings collapsed into their own footprint at near-freefall acceleration, so why did the World Trade Center buildings?


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What a laughable number … That’s less than Australia…

What a laughable number … That’s less than Australia; and certainly less than Germany …

People of the warmonger faith, please pay attention. I realize bombing countries is always fun and games and gives us a great opportunity to bestow medals upon our heroes, but in the wise words of Korean 98 cent store owners …

“Nice to see, nice to hold, if you break, consider sold”

For some perspective, there are 2 million refugees in Turkey, and 1 million in Lebanon, all living in dingy camps …

Obama Directs Administration to Accept 10,000 Syrian Refugees

As Europe struggles to handle an influx of migrants, President Obama has told officials to take it in at least 10,000 refugees from Syria over the next year.


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Profile Picture

Profile Picture


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If we consider for a moment that the Iraq…

If we consider for a moment that the Iraq War destabilized the middle east and set into motion the current refugee crisis, I have a pretty straightforward and fair solution to the refugee dilemma.

Basically, nations will need to take in refugees proportional to the number of troops they dedicated to destroying Iraq in the first place.

So for example, USA which dedicated 165,000 soldiers to the destruction of Iraq now gets to take in 165,000 refugees.

The UK gets 46,000 refugees for the 46,000 soldiers that helped to destroy Iraq and destabilized the middle east.

Australia gets 2,000 for their 2,000 soldiers, and so forth.

Ironically, Germany gets 0 refugees since Germany didn’t actually participate in the destruction of Iraq.

George W. Bush has to house at least 1 refugee at his Texas ranch.

[ Update: since the number of refugees is so vast in scale, multiply each number by 10. So 1,650,000 refugees for USA, 460,000 for UK, 20,000 for Australia, Bush gets 10, etc. ]

Troop deployment in Iraq 2003-2011 – Multi-National Force – Iraq – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Norway contributed with ARTHUR counter-battery radar systems, which pointed out 1500 bombing targets during”[11] the first days of the war. (The British minister of defence, Geoff Hoon, thanked Norway for its “robust”[11] contribution.)–_Iraq#Troop_deployment_in_Iraq_2003-2011


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LiSA in Nippon Budokan

LiSA in Nippon Budokan

LiSA in Nippon Budokan

Concierto de LiSA en el Nippon Budokan 2014 Versión TV


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