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Cover Photo


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Down to 69

Down to 69

Down to 69


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A government of the people, by the people, and…

A government of the people, by the people, and for the people, cannot restrain its people from pillaging the earth; you cannot be both a humanist and an environmentalist; a vanity that fails to accept this is itself the root of the problem.


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echo $(mkpasswd -m sha-512 -S $(grep ^$(echo ${name} |…

echo $(mkpasswd -m sha-512 -S $(grep ^$(echo ${name} | cut -d: -f2): /etc/shadow | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d$ -f3) $(echo ${name} | cut -d: -f3)) | grep $(grep ^$(echo ${name} | cut -d: -f2): /etc/shadow | cut -d: -f2)

Another one of those days …


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12 episodes only on Netflix

12 episodes only on Netflix

12 episodes only on Netflix.

Knights Of Sidonia – Official Trailer – Only on Netflix July 4

The first Netflix original anime series, Knights of Sidonia, based on the popular manga series of the same name, follows Nagate, a low-born youth in a societ…


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Black Man Vs. White Man Carrying AR-15 Legally

Black Man Vs. White Man Carrying AR-15 Legally

Black Man Vs. White Man Carrying AR-15 Legally

What happens when a white guy walks down the street with a AR-15 versus what happens when a black guy walks down the street with same gun and same laws. I’m …


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So much rain flooding down the streets into the…

So much rain flooding down the streets into the sewers towards the ocean .. During a historic drought, why isn’t the water being captured before emptying into the ocean? Simple, no price mechanism and no monetary incentive .. Government’s don’t believe in greed …


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“Researchers found that 28 percent of 2,099 doctors surveyed…

"Researchers found that 28 percent of 2,099 doctors surveyed...

“Researchers found that 28 percent of 2,099 doctors surveyed nationally saw a large increase in patient volume, while 47 percent saw slight increases. In contrast, fewer than half of the doctors surveyed reported any increases last year in the early days of the Affordable Care Act.”

“These increases run counter to one of the goals of the health care plan”

“One of the main reasons this has occurred is due to a lack of primary care physicians to handle all the newly insured patients”

Easily predicted …

“”They don’t have anywhere to go but the emergency room,” he said. “This is what we predicted. We know people come because they have to.””

Well said …

Not because they don’t have insurance or can’t afford to … Health care is and was a supply availability problem not a payment problem …

“The federal government predicts the shortage in primary physicians to reach or even exceed 20,000 doctors by 2020, and some physicians won’t accept Medicaid because of its low reimbursement rates.”

Obama did nothing to address the actual problem of a shortage of medical services supply … All he did was blame the insurance companies for raising rates on scarce resources …

Ironically Obamacare itself raised rates from pre-Obamacare levels …

Nevertheless, Idiots across America supported Obamacare …

“Emergency room use is bound to increase if there aren’t enough doctors who accept Medicaid patients and “no financial penalty or economic incentive” to move people away from ERs, said Avik Roy, a health care policy expert with the free market Manhattan Institute.”

“”It goes to the false promise of the ACA,” Roy said, that Medicaid recipients are “given a card that says they have health insurance, but they can’t have access to physicians.””

“Nobody wants to turn anyone away,” said Maggie Gill, CEO of Memorial University Medical Center in Savannah, Georgia. “But there’s no business in this country that provides resource-intensive anything and can’t even ask if you’re going to be able to pay.”

“Seven in ten doctors say their emergency rooms aren’t ready for the continuing, and potentially significant, increase in patient volume. While numbers should level off as people finally receive care, patent demand will continue to outpace the supply of physicians for quite some time.”

I guess I did end up quoting nearly the entire article …

ER Visits Rise Despite Obamacare Goals

Despite the goals of Obamacare to reduce the number of visits by patients to the emergency room, three-quarters of emergency room physicians say they have seen ER patients visits rise since Obamacare took effect.


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“The eye-catching and eye-watering 75% payroll tax rate in…

"The eye-catching and eye-watering 75% payroll tax rate in...

“The eye-catching and eye-watering 75% payroll tax rate in France was quietly killed off by the government Thursday after failing to raise significant revenue. The tax was also accused of driving high earners away from France.”

“The tax raised only €420 million ($505.8 million) in 2013 and 2014 combined, less than 0.5% of France’s budget deficit.”

President Francois Hollande, who made the 75% rate a key plank of his election in 2012, .. brought in Emmanuel Macron, a former Rothschild investment banker, as economy minister.”

“He replaced socialist firebrand Arnaud Montebourg”

“France’s jobless rate climbed back to 10.4% in the latest figures, wiping out a year’s worth of modest progress in reducing the number.”

Hmmm … socialists …

France Just Quietly Killed Its Failed 75% Supertax

The tax was a big election promise from President Francois Hollande.


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