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US agrees to supply Stinger anti-aircraft missiles to Ukraine…

US agrees to supply Stinger anti-aircraft missiles to Ukraine...

US agrees to supply Stinger anti-aircraft missiles to Ukraine, following Germany agreeing to send 500 units to Ukraine.

These would be the same man-portable surface-to-air missile systems that Afghanistan used to defeat the Soviet Union in the 1980s.

Stinger missiles are also believed to be the reason Obama was unwilling to send a rescue team to evacuate Ambassador Stevens from the embassy in Benghazi in 2012.

The Obama State Department run by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is believed to have illegally supplied Stinger missiles to Libyan rebels, which then ended up in the wrong hands, allegedly even made it to the Taliban who took down a Chinook in Afghanistan in 2012. Obama sent Stevens to retrieve them, but refused to evacuate him when the embassy was attacked, because they believed Stinger missiles were likely in play.

An alleged stand-down order was given, and Stevens was killed.

The desire to investigate Hillary’s emails was to uncover evidence of all that, but she deleted them, acid washed them with BleachBit, wiped them with a cloth.

Stinger missiles are on every separatist group’s purchase list, will fall into the wrong hands, can even take down a civilian airliner. Europeans should be prepared for that eventual outcome.


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