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COVID-19 Deaths / 1M population: US vs. Europe and…

COVID-19 Deaths / 1M population: US vs. Europe and...

COVID-19 Deaths / 1M population: US vs. Europe and Trump vs. Democrats vs. Republicans.

With the election rapidly approaching, accusations of “Trump killed Americans” and “Biden would have saved them with a European approach” are rapidly thrown around.

Well, it’s true that U.S. deaths per million are somewhat worse than Europe (532 vs. 450, not much), but as we already know, the U.S. average is heavily pushed upward by the New York City area train wreck that took place in New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut (all Democrat governors), and Massachusetts (though they have a Republican governor, that’s hardly a pro-Trump state).

Were you to remove these four states (and Belgium, to be fair to Europeans), as well as some other poorly performing Democrat run states (Louisiana, Rhode Island, D.C., etc.) the U.S. average would fall below the European average. That’s not accounting for differences in demographics (age, obesity, poverty, culture, etc.).

So who killed over 176k Americans? Was it Trump, Democrats, or the Virus? Would Obama, Hillary, or Biden have done better?

Given leadership performance in blue states (though it’s largely the fault of NY geniuses Cuomo and DeBlasio), combined with the Democrats’ mismanagement of nursing homes and natural instinct to kill by regulation the healthcare response, I doubt that very much.


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