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TUBES! Yes its old, but facebook asked me whats…

TUBES! Yes its old, but facebook asked me whats...

TUBES! Yes its old, but facebook asked me whats on my mind .. you don’t reject facebook ..

The internet is a series of tubes remix!

Video I made when I was 12. Excuse me for the suckage. I TAKE NO CREDIT FOR THE MUSIC. GO TO:


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I’m watching Final Fantasy 13 on Justin.TV; the story…

I’m watching Final Fantasy 13 on Justin.TV; the story looks boring and Vanilla is incredibly annoying.


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Let me say one simple thing. There is NO…

Let me say one simple thing. There is NO such thing as intellectual property. Claiming property over original thought is arrogance of the highest order. To suggest that somehow the thought that originated in your mind is original and not without influence by outside parties? What kind of godlike creatures are we that we can claim ownership of “original ideation”. It is ridiculous and absurd.


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I uploaded a YouTube video — Testing out my…

I uploaded a YouTube video — Testing out my handheld HTPC keyboard and mouse.


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I uploaded a YouTube video — Rushna and Ocelot…

I uploaded a YouTube video — Rushna and Ocelot hunting each other.


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Giving Twitter another try. I just connected it to…

Giving Twitter another try. I just connected it to both Buzz and Facebook. This tweet will test it to make sure it works 🙂


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My life is too complex

My life is too complex


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Google said no

Google said no.


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The issue of relationships is one of misunderstanding one’s…

The issue of relationships is one of misunderstanding one’s role within its microeconomic paradigm. The question is framed around one’s desire; i.e. one’s consumptive capacity. Yet we all recognize that productive micro-economies aren’t ones of consumption, but rather, ones of production. The real question that ought to be asked is in what sort of relationships can one’s productive capacities be fulfilled.


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I have adopted a new policy of automatically hiding…

I have adopted a new policy of automatically hiding any app notifications that show up in my stream .. Let me just say that this is the same reason that all of your computers run like shit; you all install spam without thinking twice about it ..
