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94.2% of Israeli Jews believe Israeli forces used appropriate…

94.2% of Israeli Jews believe Israeli forces used appropriate...

94.2% of Israeli Jews believe Israeli forces used appropriate or too little force in Gaza.


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Hodge Twins engaging in 8 minutes of anti-Semitism

Hodge Twins engaging in 8 minutes of anti-Semitism

Hodge Twins engaging in 8 minutes of anti-Semitism.


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It eventually becomes impossible to contain a shifted Overton…

It eventually becomes impossible to contain a shifted Overton window, permanence.


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You should have restrained yourselves, now watch as it’s…

You should have restrained yourselves, now watch as it’s all laid at your feet.


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Potential can only be bridged and actuated by one…

Potential can only be bridged and actuated by one that can withstand the current.


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US approval of Israeli military action in Gaza is…

US approval of Israeli military action in Gaza is...

US approval of Israeli military action in Gaza is down to 36%.


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The boomers know I’m onto something

The boomers know I’m onto something.


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You are here. ????

You are here. ????

You are here. ????


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Moroccan hackers breached IDF database, leaked personally identifiable information

Moroccan hackers breached IDF database, leaked personally identifiable information.


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If you voted for Biden you should slap yourself…

If you voted for Biden you should slap yourself, once for each Gaza child you killed.
