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Hillary approved leaking to the press that the FBI…

Hillary approved leaking to the press that the FBI...

Hillary approved leaking to the press that the FBI was investigating a fake Trump-Russia server which her lawyer Sussman lied to the FBI about while billing Hillary for that time.

Hillary should be investigated, arrested, and prosecuted for willfully and knowingly authorizing a materially false, fictitious, and fraudulent statement or representation made in a matter before the jurisdiction of the executive branch of the Government of the United States.


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Afghanistan bans all wheat exports

Afghanistan bans all wheat exports.


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Bush Jr. wants you to stand with Iraq against…

Bush Jr. wants you to stand with Iraq against...

Bush Jr. wants you to stand with Iraq against Russia.


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Hope and change is lies and deceit, not kindness…

Hope and change is lies and deceit, not kindness, still beats Bush Jr. though.


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Turkey vetoes Finland, Sweden accession to NATO vote

Turkey vetoes Finland, Sweden accession to NATO vote

Turkey vetoes Finland, Sweden accession to NATO vote.

If I’m Russia, and Finland fails to join NATO, I’m still nuking Helsinki first, solely for voting to join NATO. An example must be made.


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Biden temporarily suspends his Ministry of Truth until malicious…

Biden temporarily suspends his Ministry of Truth until malicious...

Biden temporarily suspends his Ministry of Truth until malicious right-wing disinformation agents stop calling it a Ministry of Truth.

Attached is a picture of Jankowicz working in a press room at Zelensky campaign HQ in 2019 in Kiev, Ukraine.


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Italy ready to pay for Russian natural gas in…

Italy ready to pay for Russian natural gas in rubles.


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In a real war with Russia, Helsinki would be…

In a real war with Russia, Helsinki would be nuked first, given its proximity.


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Finland votes 188-8 to join NATO, would become longest…

Finland votes 188-8 to join NATO, would become longest border with Russia.


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Mastriano wins the Pennsylvania GOP gubernatorial primary, Oz leads…

Mastriano wins the Pennsylvania GOP gubernatorial primary, Oz leads McCormick by .2%.
