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Fun fact, we pushed content by single attractive unvaccinated…

Fun fact, we pushed content by single attractive unvaccinated women as an ideal.


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It’s not easy being a single college educated woman

It's not easy being a single college educated woman

It’s not easy being a single college educated woman.


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U.S. net migration during COVID, 7/20 to 7/21

U.S. net migration during COVID, 7/20 to 7/21

U.S. net migration during COVID, 7/20 to 7/21.


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NYC will mandate boosters for teachers, police, and other…

NYC will mandate boosters for teachers, police, and other city workers.


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I love the presentation. We’re going to take away…

I love the presentation. We're going to take away...

I love the presentation. We’re going to take away your Democracy and replace it with an American Taliban theocracy led by our Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Trump.


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The fiery but mostly peaceful protests that emerged from…

The fiery but mostly peaceful protests that emerged from...

The fiery but mostly peaceful protests that emerged from one of their woke black thought leaders not only overdosing himself on a cocktail of drugs, including fentanyl and methamphetamine, but doing so right after recovering from COVID.

The fiery but mostly peaceful protests that emerged from...


The fiery but mostly peaceful protests that emerged from...

CDC should do a study on what happens to post-COVID lungs when you throw already lethal doses of fentanyl and methamphetamine at them.

The fiery but mostly peaceful protests that emerged from...

Post-COVID fentanyl abuse must be tough, the poor guy could barely breathe, he was begging the cops to let him lay on the ground.

The fiery but mostly peaceful protests that emerged from...

Cops finally let him lay on the ground because he couldn’t breathe.


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Biden is going to beat the virus

Biden is going to beat the virus

Biden is going to beat the virus.


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Influenza took a break in 2020, is now returning

Influenza took a break in 2020, is now returning

Influenza took a break in 2020, is now returning.


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Secret federal units approved by Trump and under DOJ…

Secret federal units approved by Trump and under DOJ...

Secret federal units approved by Trump and under DOJ control were deployed by Trump’s AG Rosen to the Capitol on January 6th to deal with “high-risk” protesters and rioters.

Worst insurrection ever. Sad.


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The difference between COVID deaths and excess all-cause mortality…

The difference between COVID deaths and excess all-cause mortality...

The difference between COVID deaths and excess all-cause mortality, and why putting epidemiologists in charge whose sole focus is COVID control is a bad idea. They’re trading the young for the elderly.
