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Lol, +7 among college educated white women, they’re mad…

Lol, +7 among college educated white women, they’re mad, want to fight.


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Bomb threat at the HHS building in Washington, DC…

Bomb threat at the HHS building in Washington, DC, can’t say I’m surprised.


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Immunocompromised leading the way, already on their fourth shot

Immunocompromised leading the way, already on their fourth shot

Immunocompromised leading the way, already on their fourth shot.


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They believe hacking is machines, in some ways it…

They believe hacking is machines, in some ways it is, in other ways it’s not.


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Vaccination rate collapsed in Illinois, not sure if reporting…

Vaccination rate collapsed in Illinois, not sure if reporting...

Vaccination rate collapsed in Illinois, not sure if reporting error or black people in Chicago in rebellion against vaccine mandates.


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You’ll never learn how safe the vaccine is for…

You'll never learn how safe the vaccine is for...

You’ll never learn how safe the vaccine is for children unless you start giving it to them, that’s just the way it goes. He’s not wrong.


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Variants follow vaccinations, emerge upon heightened vaccine-induced natural selection…

Variants follow vaccinations, emerge upon heightened vaccine-induced natural selection...

Variants follow vaccinations, emerge upon heightened vaccine-induced natural selection pressures, evolution.

Imagine still believing gain-of-function Fauci in 2021.


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Imagine driving down herd immunity to raise herd immunity…

Imagine driving down herd immunity to raise herd immunity, an expert-led response.


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Nucleoprotein antibodies lower in individuals twice vaccinated will become…

Nucleoprotein antibodies lower in individuals twice vaccinated will become...

Nucleoprotein antibodies lower in individuals twice vaccinated will become more important in the future.


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The amygdala performs a primary role in decision making…

The amygdala performs a primary role in decision making and emotional responses.
