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Responsible exit of US forces from Afghanistan is 95%…

Responsible exit of US forces from Afghanistan is 95%...

Responsible exit of US forces from Afghanistan is 95% complete.

Lol, that clearly deserved to be a hashtag.


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Clashes in Taloqan, Takhar

Clashes in Taloqan, Takhar

Clashes in Taloqan, Takhar.

These are irregulars, likely militia, possibly local police.


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Two children became fatal casualties in a Taliban VBIED…

Two children became fatal casualties in a Taliban VBIED...

Two children became fatal casualties in a Taliban VBIED attack near a Baghlan minister’s home, who wasn’t even home at the time.


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Jewelry market destroyed in an airstrike in Lashkargah, Helmand

Jewelry market destroyed in an airstrike in Lashkargah, Helmand

Jewelry market destroyed in an airstrike in Lashkargah, Helmand.


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Clashes at Police HQ in Lashkargah, Helmand

Clashes at Police HQ in Lashkargah, Helmand

Clashes at Police HQ in Lashkargah, Helmand.


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Supreme Court already ruled 5-4 that the CDC eviction…

Supreme Court already ruled 5-4 that the CDC eviction...

Supreme Court already ruled 5-4 that the CDC eviction moratorium is illegal, but opted to let it expire on it’s own. If they don’t come back with a 9-0 ruling against the CDC’s new eviction moratorium extension, no one will take them seriously as a co-equal branch of government. Their credibility is at stake with this one.


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I wish them well, but it should be noted…

I wish them well, but it should be noted...

I wish them well, but it should be noted that well-connected people in Kabul were silent for twenty years as their government bombed poor people in rural parts of the country (and worse), pushing them into the open arms of the Taliban. So now that the Taliban are approaching, they’re shouting. That’s how it goes, I suppose.


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Sami Sadat, Commander of Maiwand 215th Corp, message to…

Sami Sadat, Commander of Maiwand 215th Corp, message to...

Sami Sadat, Commander of Maiwand 215th Corp, message to residents to evacuate areas of Lashkargah, Helmand where Taliban are actively fighting. Taliban control most of the city at this point, so that would be everywhere.

This sort of operation was used to clear Raqqa and Mosul of ISIS in 2017 resulting in thousands of civilian casualties. If they’re serious about this, which I don’t know, AAF/USAF will be involved heavily.


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UNAMA, 118 civilians injured and 40 killed within last…

UNAMA, 118 civilians injured and 40 killed within last 24 hours.

Q3 numbers will break the record.


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Maiwand 215th Corps tells Lashkargah residents to leave homes…

Maiwand 215th Corps tells Lashkargah residents to leave homes. It’s now total war.

Maiwand 215th Corps tells Lashkargah residents to leave homes...

Unrestricted warfare.
