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Biden sets 15-year record for most migrants detained in…

Biden sets 15-year record for most migrants detained in one month.


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100,000 migrants detained at border in February, most since…

100,000 migrants detained at border in February, most since 2006.


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Trump can’t believe how cheap you’re all being

Trump can't believe how cheap you're all being

Trump can’t believe how cheap you’re all being.


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Senate Democrats will cut supplemental unemployment benefits from $400…

Senate Democrats will cut supplemental unemployment benefits from $400 to $300.


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Arizona Democrat Kyrsten Sinema doing a little dance while…

Arizona Democrat Kyrsten Sinema doing a little dance while...

Arizona Democrat Kyrsten Sinema doing a little dance while voting NO on a $15 minimum wage amendment.


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8 Senate Democrats voted against $15 minimum wage amendment…

8 Senate Democrats voted against $15 minimum wage amendment, failed to pass.


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Republicans pushing reopen schools are dumb. Push school choice…

Republicans pushing reopen schools are dumb. Push school choice, vouchers, etc.


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The dollar rallied hard today because Biden is a…

The dollar rallied hard today because Biden is a cheapskate with stimulus checks.


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If it’s not your rug, they can pull it…

If it’s not your rug, they can pull it out from under you.


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Dr. Seuss is literally Hitler

Dr. Seuss is literally Hitler

Dr. Seuss is literally Hitler.
