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The Biden campaign has given up on door-to-door canvassing…

The Biden campaign has given up on door-to-door canvassing...

The Biden campaign has given up on door-to-door canvassing in battleground states, a reliable means of driving voter turnout. He’s apparently asked all his young volunteers to hide alongside him in his basement.


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Excellent movie trailer and campaign ad

Excellent movie trailer and campaign ad

Excellent movie trailer and campaign ad.


Would definitely watch this movie.


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Talia dancing to PPAP with Eren running around

Talia dancing to PPAP with Eren running around

Talia dancing to PPAP with Eren running around.


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Eren and Talia dancing to Marble Machine

Eren and Talia dancing to Marble Machine

Eren and Talia dancing to Marble Machine.


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Electoral Map for 8/7/20, including STE

Electoral Map for 8/7/20, including STE

Electoral Map for 8/7/20, including STE.

Trump gains Michigan, but softens in Arizona.

The decline in coronavirus cases continues to benefit Trump. Though Trump weakened in Arizona, that’s likely a lagging poll which reflected coronavirus anxiety a week or two ago, and should turn around quickly. Trump’s pro-police show of force in Portland also helped him in Michigan, as does his push to reopen the economy, since Michigan, where early armed reopen protests took place, believes the lockdowns have gone on much too long.

With this map, I’ve also colored Biden’s states an accurate shade of blue to reflect his strength or weakness in that state.

Previous map.

Electoral Map for 8/7/20, including STE

Coronavirus cases in decline in nearly all states.

Electoral Map for 8/7/20, including STE

Different states on pace of reopening. Michigan and Pennsylvania want to reopen more quickly, while Arizona and Florida want to reopen more slowly, reflecting the caseloads in their states.


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Biden v. Trump for 8/7/20 , 7D MA AGG…

Biden v. Trump for 8/7/20 , 7D MA AGG...

Biden v. Trump for 8/7/20 , 7D MA AGG, including STE.



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The garden pumpkins are finally growing. Taking much longer…

The garden pumpkins are finally growing. Taking much longer...

The garden pumpkins are finally growing. Taking much longer than the other vegetables. I guess they’ll be ready in time for Halloween.


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BREAKING NEWS: Biden is beating Trump in California

BREAKING NEWS: Biden is beating Trump in California

BREAKING NEWS: Biden is beating Trump in California.

I don’t really understand why they’re wasting money polling in California.


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Beirut, Lebanon. Port explosion

Beirut, Lebanon. Port explosion

Beirut, Lebanon. Port explosion.

At least 63 dead, and more than 3,000 injured.

Another angle.

3rd angle.

4th angle.

5th angle.

Beirut, Lebanon. Port explosion

Casualties mounting.


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Eren hanging up a lantern in his new tent…

Eren hanging up a lantern in his new tent...

Eren hanging up a lantern in his new tent. Talia playing with it too.
