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Mitt Romney: Obama “Was Unable To Fill Old Promises”

Mitt Romney: Obama “Was Unable To Fill Old Promises”

On President Obama’s speech, Mitt Romney said he was âdisappointed.â He continued, âThere was nothing in the speech that gives confidence that the president knows what he is doing when it comes to jobs and the economy. As a matter of fact, he hardly even mentioned jobs or economy.â âHe, in h…


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Is President Obama Still A Liberal?

Is President Obama Still A Liberal?

Is President Obama Still A Liberal?

Barack Obama campaigned as a liberal in 2008, running against the Iraq War, promising to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay, pledging not to raid medical mar…


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Reality Check: 1 on 1 With President Obama, How…

Reality Check: 1 on 1 With President Obama, How Does He Justify A Kill List?

Ben Swann Reality Check talks one on one with President Obama and asks about the so called Presidential Kill List


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DNC floor videos are more fun than the “official”…

DNC floor videos are more fun than the “official” speeches .. 😀

Democrats: Let’s Ban Profits!

Posing as an anti-business crusader, Peter Schiff found a number of DNC attendees that support explicitly outlawing profitability. Listen to The Peter Schiff…


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lol, just in time for the election

lol, just in time for the election ..

Atlas Shrugged Part II Trailer! Release Date October 12, 2012

Here’s the new trailer for the second part of Atlas Shrugged, due in theaters on October 10, 2012. For more Reason coverage of Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand, and …


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Occupy vs. DNC: Are Dems Crony Capitalists?

Occupy vs. DNC: Are Dems Crony Capitalists?

Occupy vs. DNC: Are Dems Crony Capitalists?

Occupy Wall Street held protests outside Time Warner Arena on Day 2 of the 2012 Democratic National Convention. Members of Occupy claim that both Republicans…


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Watch President Obama’s full speech

Watch President Obama's full speech

Watch President Obama’s full speech

President Barack Obama sets the agenda for his reelection campaign in front of a captive audience at the 2012 DNC.


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Reality Check: DNC Runs Over Delegates With Scripted Platform…

Reality Check: DNC Runs Over Delegates With Scripted Platform...

Reality Check: DNC Runs Over Delegates With Scripted Platform Vote

Ben Swann Reality Check looks at how the DNC scripted a vote to change the party’s platform one week after the Republican leadership did the same thing at th…


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I got the last of my major Amazon purchases…

I got the last of my major Amazon purchases out of the way ..

CA’s Amazon Tax Hits The Nation Sept. 15, 2012 – Forbes

Amazon and other giant online sellers will begin collecting the tax on shipments into California September 15.


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Its a 4 part speech

Its a 4 part speech ..

Bill Clinton DNC Speech Democtratic National Convention Part 1
